
Welcome to the Thinking Stuff Affiliate Center

Join the Thinking Stuff Affiliate Program!

Imagine earning a passive income while introducing people across the world to the timeless wisdom contained within the audiobooks available here.

The Thinking Stuff affiliate program provides website owners, blog owners, or those with a social media following with the opportunity of referring potential customers to and earning money from every audiobook sale.

We only sell high quality products backed by great customer support so we have excellent customer satisfaction rates.

We pay our affiliates 25% on each sale and all payouts are done via PayPal.

Your referral for each visitor lasts for 30 days and applies to each and every product ordered! See the audiobooks page for a list of products we offer.

Registration is quick and easy! And best of all, it’s free to join. You can begin promoting audiobooks and earning commissions right away!

Join our affiliate program and start earning money for every sale you send our way! Simply create your account, place your linking code into your website and watch your account balance grow as your visitors enrich their lives with each purchase on this site.

How Does it Work?

The process is very simple:

1. Visitor clicks on an affiliate link on your site, your Facebook page or in an email.

2. The visitor browses our site, and may decide to order.

3. If the visitor orders (the order does not need to be placed during the same browser session – cookies and IPs are stored up to 30 days), the order will be registered as a sale for you and you will receive commission for this sale.

Get Started Now!

Step 1: Sign up for an affiliate account by clicking the Sign Up button at the top of this page.

Step 2: After you log into your affiliate account, go to the Ads section and you will find the Banners/Links menu page. There you have access to text links and banners with your unique affiliate linking code that you can put on your site to refer people to Thinking Stuff.

Step 3: Place the affiliate link or banner on your site, in an email, on your Facebook page or anywhere you can share links.

Step 4: When visitors are referred to the Thinking Stuff audiobooks page and they make a purchase, you (the referrer) earn 25% commission of the total sale value. You can track all referrals and sales from your referrals via the Stats menu of your affiliate dashboard.

Step 5: The commission is paid on a monthly basis. The commission will be paid given that you have earned $25 or more in commission. If not, the commission will roll onto the next month and will be paid once you have reached $25.

Already an Affiliate?

Please click here or the Log In button at the top of this page and enter your username and password to gain access to your account statistics, banners and linking code.

Please note

1. No one likes spam, so never use any form of spam as a method of sharing our products.
2. Anyone found to be committing fraud will have their affiliate accounts suspended and all funds frozen.
3. Affiliate commission will be reversed for refunded sales and will be reported as a negative sale in the sales report.